The Government have announced that the prospectus inviting bids for the government’s investment in affordable housing is being launched by the end of September 2020.
The £12.2 billion overall investment in affordable housing was confirmed in the Budget and includes £700 million on new homes through the 2016 to 2022 programme.
A new £11.5 billion affordable homes programme will be delivered over five years from 2021 to 2026, providing up to 180,000 new homes across the country, “should economic conditions allow”. It says that around half of the new homes will be available for affordable home ownership. The rest will be made available for discounted rent, including 10% for supported housing – to support those with physical or mental health challenges.
DJC Housing can assist developers to obtain Investment Partner Status which allows them to bid for Affordable Housing Grant from Homes England to deliver new Affordable Rented and shared ownership accommodation.
We have a wide range of expertise in this housing sector, fulfilling the above for Developers as well as Registered Providers.
DJC Housing can also assist developers and RPs with bids for SHG Funding from Homes England and manage the grant funding process.